Perut Ikan Vegetarian Version

Serves: Serves: Fifteen to Twenty



  • Part A
  • Kunyit (tumeric rhizome): 2 pieces, 50 mm length
  • Serai (lemon grass bulb): 8 - 10 stalks
  • Lengkus (blue ginger rhizomes, galangal): 8 - 10 stalks
  • Helia (ginger rhizomes): 2 pieces 50 mm
  • Cili kering (Dried Chilli): 10 pieces
  • Cili merah besar (large red chilli): 6 pieces
  • Buah Keras (candle nuts) used as a subsitute for onions.: 10 pieces
  • Lada puteh (white pepper corns): 1 - 2 teaspoons
  • Part B
  • Daun Gaduk or Kaduk (Piper sarmentosum leaves): 60 - 80 pieces, young leaves
  • Daun Cekur (Sand ginger, Kaempferia galanga leaves): 60 pieces, young leaves
  • Daun Linau Perut (Kaffir Lime , Citrus hystrix leaves): 10 - 15 pieces, young leaves
  • Daun Kesum (Polygonum odoratum leaves, Cenonhom ): 1 bunch, young leaves
  • Part C
  • Daun Kunyit (Turmeric , Citrus hystrix leaves): 10 - 15 pieces, young leaves
  • Bunga Kantan, (Torch Ginger Flower, Phaeomeria speciosa): 1 - 1.5 buds
  • Part D
  • Mint Leaves: 30 - 50 young leaves
  • Basil Leaves, (Ocimum basilicum): 100 - 150 young leaves
  • Roasted sea-weeds: 18 pieces used as a subsitute for “perut ikan”
  • Part E
  • Pineapple: 1 fruit, young
  • Brinjal: 2 fruits, about 150 mm long
  • Long Beans: 6 -10 pods
  • Red Carrot: 1 top
  • Liquid Aminos: 2 table spoons or to taste, used as a subsitute for “soy sauce”
  • Sea salt: a bit or to taste, used as a subsitute for “soy sauce”
  • Seasoning: 2 tea spoons or to taste
  • Cooking Oil: 3 table spoons
  • Water: 1.8 liters
  • Part F: subsitute
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (used as a subsitute for Lime Juice in Part C): 2 table spoons


  1. Blend Part A together till fine..
  2. Slice Part B and Part C very finely, keep them seperately
  3. For Part D, mint and basil leaves use whole leaves, for sea weeds, crumple them up.
  4. For Part E, cut pineapple, brinjal, long beans and carrot into strips about 3 cm by half cm.
  5. Heat pot with cooking oil, lower flame, fry (tumis) blended ingredients of Part A until there is a nice aroma.
  6. Add water, pineapple and bring to boil .
  7. Put in all the vegetables, from Part B and E, continue to cook till it boils.
  8. Switch off the fire, add sea weeds, mint leaves, basel leaves, bunga kantan and limau perut leaves. from Part C and D

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