Vegetarian Everton Toffee

Put the water and sugar into a brass pan and heat gently. Cream the butter. When the sugar is dissolved, add the butter. Keep stirring over the heat until it sets, when a little is poured on to a buttered dish.

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Figgy Appley Pineappley Chutney
Vegetarian  · Vegan Figgy Appley Pineappley Chutney

The clue is in the name… a delicious apple, pineapple and fig chutney that goes well with everything! Especially ham, but also lovely on cheesey crackers. The good lady mixed it with creme fraiche and it was a fantabulous dip.

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Vegetarian Fredericton Walnut Toffee

This brittle toffee recipe was brought to New Brunswick, Canada by English settlers and has become a Christmas Day favorite in the area. Recipe was traced to a 1735 cook book printed in London, England.

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Vegetarian  · Vegan Fresh Nutritional Yeast Dressing

This is a delicious, fresh and nutritious salad dressing. It’s so good, it triggers cravings and can be addicting…and in this instance that’s good! I first tasted a similar version of it at a restaurant called Gypsy Cab Company…their house dressing.

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